Puzzle page blinks annoyingly
This is a problem with the Java virtual engine and it happens in some browsers when you resize the playing field (browser window) or choose a different background color. If this happens, we recommend going back to the puzzle thumbnails page, resize your browser window to the size you want, then click on the puzzle you wish to play. If you wish to change the playing field background color, do so before beginning to move pieces around on the playing field. Then proceed. The blinking should be gone.
Which browser works best?
The PuzzleAttic team developed the site to be optimized for Firefox, Safari, Chrome. Though we continue to test for Internet Explorer 7 and 8, there continues to be non-compliant code errors in certain circumstances. We highly recommend Firefox, an open source browser.
How long does it take to get my images approved?
Since the PuzzleAttic team is so rigorous about making sure that inappropriate images do not populate PuzzleAttic, either publicly or privately, the approval process is done by human eyes and judgment. It can not be automated, therefore may take 24-72 hours ... sooner if possible.
Timing out...
Logging in is only used for uploading purposes (this feature is coming). Logged in status will be terminated automatically after a period of time.
Logging in does not provide access to additional content. Therefore, to avoid interrupted puzzle play, you should log out when finished uploading.
"The Java Virtual Machine has run out of memory."
This is a known problem with certain browsers, including: Safari, both Mac and PC, every version through 5.02 Opera, up to and including version 10.63.
Browsers we have tested and found relatively stable (though still with problems) are: Firefox, version 3.6.6 or greater Google Chrome, version 6.0.472.63.
A good work-around, if you are running several tabs in your browser, is to use a different browser dedicated to puzzles only (i.e. Safari or Google Chrome instead of Firefox or vice-versa) so it can be quickly shut down and restarted, without having to close and logout of various other sites in your multiple tabs.
UPDATE: Google Chrome browser, version 10.xxx does not have the problem of running out of memory. We have tested it extensively without flaw.
Help! I've lost puzzle pieces and, NO!, they aren't on the floor under my desk.
They fell on the floor under your desk? No? Actually, you may "lose" puzzle pieces if you resize the playing window after starting a puzzle. Always start with the largest window you'll need, then click on a puzzle. That way the playing field will be established for the "cutting process" and all pieces will be available for play.
Why do I have to start over after changing the background color?
The puzzle engine needs to "reset" the pieces and playing field after a color change. So, determine early if the default background color will suit your playing needs, make a color change if needed, then choose "Play Again" to recut a new puzzle.
Can I save my puzzle to continue later?
Not at this time. The puzzle engine does not permit that functionality.
Why does the page freeze sometimes while it's loading?
The page is actually static while the puzzle engine does its magic, carefully and lovingly cutting and whittling the puzzle pieces. The speed of this process depends on your processor speed, internet connection speed, and browser "weight." The PuzzleAttic team has discovered that, while Firefox is the best overall browser, Google Chrome (browser) is significantly faster for rendering our puzzles.
Why do I only see a puzzle for a few seconds, then can't play it?
The PuzzleAttic team has discovered a recent incompatibility with Internet Exporer 9. The Internet Explorer (IE) browser has display issues that makes it exceedingly difficult for web designers to develop pages that consistently render correctly. While we do our best to compensate for a variety of non-standard IE issues, and test rigorously, we can not guarantee that PuzzleAttic will display correctly in all versions of IE browsers. We strongly recommend that you use Firefox as your default browser. It is an open source (developed by a worldwide community of volunteers) free download and an easy install that you can get at the following link: Firefox browser
If you must use Internet Explorer then you will need to update your version of Java. The IE9 version of the IE browser requires the latest version of Java, a free download and you can get at the following link: Download the latest version of Java
Which browser is best for your puzzle site?
Firefox or Google Chrome. For more info, see the previous FAQ.
How do I email a page link to a friend?
As a registered PuzzleAttic member you can send links for your puzzles to your friends quite easily. Have them register (for free) as a new member, then you can request a connection with them in the profiles link of the "Members Area" menu. Since free members' puzzles are not public, your friends must be members of PuzzleAttic for sharing privileges.
Why Donate?
The PuzzleAttic mission is to provide a wealth of fun, fresh, and challenging jigsaw puzzles to our guests free of charge. It's a simple concept. We do not accept advertising on the site which many websites utilize to pay for maintenance and profit. Donations from the public, those who use and enjoy the free content, and freedom from intrusive blinking banners and other advertising, will help us keep the site free and aesthetically pleasing. Donations help us pay for continual hosting and bandwidth costs.
How to move and rotate puzzle pieces
Move pieces by dragging them, rotate by double clicking or shift clicking or right-mouse clicking.